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Police Act - Police Association Regulations

2008 Revised Edition


CAP. 20.24.2

Arrangement of Regulations


1 Citation
2 Interpretation
3 Establishment of Police Association
4 Meetings of Association
5 Executive of Association
6 Election to the Committee
7 Voting at elections to the Committee
8 Meetings of Committee
9 Procedure at Committee meetings
10 Representations
11 Fees, dues remuneration and expenditure
12 Leave to attend meetings

Supporting Documents




1 Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Police Association Regulations.

2 Interpretation

In these Regulations the expression "member of the force" means a member of the force of or below the rank of Sergeant.

3 Establishment of Police Association

There is hereby established a Police Association for Tuvalu (hereinafter called the Association) which shall consist of all members of the force.

4 Meetings of Association

(1) An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in February of each year on a date to be determined by the Committee constituted by regulation 5.

(2) The business at the Annual General Meeting shall be the election of members to the Committee constituted by regulation 5 and such other business as the Committee shall determine.

(3) There shall be held such other general meetings of the Association as the Committee determine or shall be requisitioned in writing with the approval of the Commissioner of Police by not less than the number of members of the Association equivalent to one half of the number of members of the Association stationed at the time on Funafuti, such requisition stating the purposes for which the meeting is required.

5 Executive of Association

(1) There shall be a Committee of the Association (hereinafter called the Committee) responsible for the management and conduct of the Association consisting of a Chairman, a Secretary and 3 further members.

(2) The Committee shall choose its Chairman and Secretary from among its members.

6 Election to the Committee

The election of members to the Committee of the Association shall be held annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

7 Voting at elections to the Committee

(1) Members of the Committee elected in accordance with regulation 6, unless they retire earlier, shall serve for a period of 1 year, but shall be eligible for re-election.

(2) Voting for the election of members to the Committee shall be by secret ballot and every member of the Association shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies on the Committee.

(3) The candidates up to the number of vacancies available for filling who receive the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared duly elected to the Committee and in the case of 2 or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, the Chairman elected for the purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

(4) For the purpose of electing members to the Committee at an Annual General Meeting any member of the Association may authorise any other member present at the meeting to vote for him by proxy.

8 Meetings of Committee

The Committee may hold not more than 4 meetings in any 1 year:

Provided that additional meetings for any specific purpose may be held with the consent of the Commissioner of Police.

9 Procedure at Committee meetings

(1) Subject to these Regulations the Committee may regulate its own procedure:

Provided that the first meeting of the Committee in every year shall be convened in such a manner and the procedure to be followed thereat shall be such as the Commissioner of Police may direct.

(2) Three members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

(3) Casual vacancies on the Committee may be filled by the Committee by coopting members of the Association to fill such vacancies until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association.

(4) Minutes of the proceedings of meetings of the Committee shall be kept and shall be signed at the next following meeting of the Committee. Such minutes shall be open to the inspection of the Commissioner of Police.

10 Representations

(1) The Committee may submit representations in writing to the Commissioner of Police and, in addition, through him to the Minister.

(2) The Committee shall consider and report upon any matters referred to it by the Commissioner of Police.

11 Fees, dues remuneration and expenditure

No fees or dues shall be charged for membership of the Association, nor shall any remuneration be accorded to any member of the Association or of the Committee for any service rendered:

Provided the Commissioner of Police may authorise expenditure from public funds for reasonable expenses related to the conduct of the business of the Association.

12 Leave to attend meetings

Except where, in special circumstances, a member of the force is required for duty for which no substitute is available, leave shall be granted to attend at all meetings of the Committee duly held and every such attendance shall be deemed a police duty.

1 LN 22/1976

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