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Citizenship Act - Citizenship Committee (Procedural) Regulations


CAP. 24.05.2


Arrangement of Regulations

1 Citation
2 Interpretation
3 Chairman of, and Clerk to, Committee
4 Minutes
5 Decisions
6 Quorum
7 Evidence and documents
8 Unauthorised disclosure or use
9 Communications with Committee
10 Meetings
11 Regulation of procedure

Supporting Documents




Commencement [29th November 1979]

1 Citation

These Regulations may be cited as the Citizenship Committee (Procedural) Regulations.

2 Interpretation

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, words and expressions to which a meaning is ascribed by section 2 of the Citizenship Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") have the same meaning as is therein ascribed to them.

3 Chairman of, and Clerk to, Committee

(1) The Secretary to Government or in his absence such other member of the Citizenship Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) as the Minister may appoint, shall be the Chairman of the Committee.

(2) The Assistant Secretary Personnel shall normally be Clerk to the Committee.

4 Minutes

(1) It shall be the duty of the Clerk to the Committee to keep minutes of all proceedings of the Committee.

(2) The minutes and related documents shall be held confidential and their circulation restricted to the members of the Committee unless and until required by the Minister or the High Court on an appeal as provided for in section 4(2) of the Act:

Provided that the Committee may at any time authorise the publication of any policy decision relating to their functions under the Act and shall notify all decisions to persons directly affected by them.

5 Decisions

Any decision by the Committee shall require the concurrence of a majority of all the members thereof and, subject as aforesaid, the Committee may act notwithstanding the absence of any member:

Provided that if in any particular case a vote of all the members is taken to decide the question and the votes cast are equally divided the Chairman shall have and shall exercise a casting vote.

6 Quorum

No business or hearing except that upon adjournment shall take place unless there are 5 members present.

7 Evidence and documents

Any matter referred to the Committee under the provisions contained in the Act shall be heard by the Committee with the person concerned or any other person being required to attend and give evidence before it on any matter which it is empowered to consider in exercise of its functions under the Act and may call for the production of documents relating to any such matter.

8 Unauthorised disclosure or use

Unless authorised to do so by decision of the Committee neither the Chairman nor any member nor any other person shall publish or disclose to any person, otherwise that in exercise of his functions under these Regulations, the contents of any document, communications or information whatsoever which has come to his notice in the course of his duties under these Regulations in respect of any matter referred to the Committee.

9 Communications with Committee

All written communications and references to the Committee shall be addressed to the Clerk of the Committee.

10 Meetings

(1) The Committee will normally meet at the Central Government Offices, Funafuti, but may meet elsewhere on Funafuti or any other island as occasion demands.

(2) The Committee will normally meet not less than 4 times a year, and at such intervals as are required to despatch its business speedily.

(3) Meetings of the Committee will be convened by the Clerk to the Committee on the instructions of the Chairman. The Clerk will give notice of every meeting to all members of the Committee and such other persons as may be concerned.

11 Regulation of procedure

Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, the Committee may regulate its own procedure, if required.


1 LN 27/1979

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